BMW vs Tesla: selling cars online
BMW sells 2.5 million cars and 194,000 motorcycles annually, almost all in a traditional car dealership. But the 100-year-old car brand wants to sell cars online, just like Tesla.
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So BMW is embarking on a major project with Adobe to get “phygital” … to be able to do business seamlessly across apps, websites, and physical car dealerships, however its clients prefer. That means data, insights, software, and a complete rethinking of how its thousands of car dealerships interact with customers.
And, of course, how customers interact with BMW … including before they buy, when they buy, and for years of owning their vehicles.
In this TechFirst, we chat with BMW SVP Jens Theimer about cars, sales, being digital, and how cars are increasingly digital objects where what you buy and what you get changes over years of ownership … and the customer experience doesn’t end when you drive off the lot.
Check out the Forbes article here.
Get a full transcript here.
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